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12-15 Nov 17 - China Derivatives Crude Oil Analysts International Program


It was attended by fund managers and industry traders. Thank you for inviting me to share on trading strategies and risks management. Training alongside with the researchers from Argus Media, Mr Arthur Yan - Head of Policy, Industry & Regulatory Affairs of BP and Mr Diao - spokesperson from ShangHai International Energy Exchange. With the China stock market turbulence in 2014 and 2015. The environment is preparing itself both in it's infrastructure and market knowledge before the launch of PetroYuan.

01 Oct 17 - AIA on Investment Habits for High Network Investor


Delivered this topic to about 350 Financial Service Consultant from AIA. We discussed about the psychology of the HNW investors, what are they struggling with in today's uncertainty? The difference between the "Rich" and "Wealthy" HNW investors, and how FSC can bridge the gap through their services.

17 Jul 17 - Launch of DLC with Societe Generale

The launch of DLC in SGX. Together with me Mr Keith Chan, Director of Societe Generale. Honour to have this opportunity to endorse this new instrument, especially in this time of market uncertainty. An instrument that is ideal for both trading and hedging. 3 times leverage works well for retail investors.

15 Jul 17 - SPH 


Chairing a Chinese Investment Forum, jointly organised by LianHeZaoBao, Singapore Exchange and Phillip Capital. Capacity turnout of 500 participants and we all have an enjoyable morning. Feedback from audiences, to have more of such Mandarin forum in Singapore. 7月15日2017 / 2017投资高峰论坛。非常荣幸被邀请为大会主持人。主办单位有联合早报、新交所和辉立证券行。大会500名群众都非常热烈参与论坛会。

19-23 Jun 17 - HSBC 


Conducted a 12 hours workshop for 23 HSBC private bankers. Standing beside me is the MD of HSBC private banking, Mr Chester Wong. He is an outright boss with no pretence, he serves his staff members well and attended all the sessions! I was tasked to conduct a tactical course "Identifying market reversal through behavavioral finance". I am glad the bankers found it applicable in serving their ultra high net worth clients. I received an average score of above 4.5/5. Thank you so much!

20-22 Apr 17 - Hong Kong 


Sharing my views with the institutional and a group of high net worth investors about the challenges of the rising interest rate. I also discussed on how we can prepare ourselves to manage more volatility ahead. The mandarin session " 如何在上升利率环境中取胜” went so well, especially during the Q&A session with the group of private investors. I thoroughly enjoy myself! "I am glad to meet you. You provide very useful information to think about the inflation and interest rate trend in the future." - Patrick Yu, Head of Asset Management from CFSG."


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