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Webinar - For this season only

Investing strategies in challenging time



Attended by retail investors and traders

"This course was excellent. I love your interpretation of fundamental analysis aspect which also include the technical analysis too. Something new to me."

Mr Di'Nurul Ra'Z'aLi

Private Investor

(Singapore) 21 Jan 19

"Very interesting, it has broaden my investment horizon."

Mr Larry Goh 

Advertising business 

(Singapore) - 15 Oct 18

"I like every minute of it. It given me an understanding, just like fitting missing pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

I learnt how macro affecting the micro economics, which in term affect the stock prices. Also, how to strategies and deploy our savings fund in 3 different markets - bull, range and bear and when market condition changes." 

Mr Lim Kah Yong


(Singapore) - 11 Apr 18

"The programme is very easy to understand. A new avenue in learning about investment has just opened to for me. I like the presetation flow and I am missing out in the macro portion on my investment. Thank you very much."

Ms Jezzamyn 

Private Investor 

(Singapore) - 17 Aug 16


"Thank you for this interesting course. My wife commented that she is able to follow the class very well. I like your sharing and especially on the part of risk management as well as deciding at the point of entry whether it is for trading or investing. Once I am clear on that I am more confident in my positions and know what steps to take. I practise what you have say on one of my trade for investing and I felt confident and no longer affected by the daily fluctuations of the share price.

Mr Ching H.H. & Wife

Accountant & Social Counsellor

(Singapore) - 28 May16

Market Recovery Investing Strategies

- Creating investment plans in riding through uncertainty and during a bear market


Many blue chips stocks are now about 40% lower from it’s high. Is it time to invest now? 

Value investing focuses on filtering into which companies to invest into, but investing strategies study into the appropriateness and the deployment in investing into them.  


Yes, we can still invest when the market is uncertain or when market is potentially facing more headwind. We will learn how to create an investment plan to invest safety despite with all the market’s odds and threats.

What you'll learn:

  • How to create an investment strategies for:

    • ​Long-term investor - to hold beyond 3 years

    • Short-term investors - to hold before 3 years or less

  • How to identify which stock(s) to hold between long-term and short-term investing

  • Creating a hedging strategies on your existing holdings during market uncertainty

  • Spot for market reversal with behavioural science or market psychology

  • How we should make investment plans when we identified a potential reversal and market is still uncertain 


There will case studies on past and current market condition throughout this webinar. Also, a Q&A segment for you clarify the strategies shared.  


09 Dec 20, 7pm-9pm



Course fee:



Wong Kon How 



Attended mainly by securities retail and licence professionals

"This is excellent and thanks for sharing. Education is a core tenet for SGX, I am very happy that we have quality of teachers like yourself helping with our vision to help people achieve financial security and independence long term. We are all living longer and this will make a difference"

Ms Jenny Chiam, Head of Securities of Singapore Exchange

(Singapore) -14 Oct 15


Attended mainly by bank traders

“…conducting an outstanding presentation…response to the seminar was overwhelming with 130 participants. The content of the presentation carries high degree of practically. Feedback from our members throughout the seminar is positive and encouraging”

Mr Jack Cheung, CEO of Treasury Market Association

(Hong Kong) -12 Jan15


Attended mainly by securities and futures licence professionals

“…turnout rate of this training was great – about 30 participants (full house) attended”  “The participants rated very high of this course and their satisfaction of the course was 4.71 (where 5=very good… The average rating of instructor was 4.88. Well done and thanks for delivery such a great course for us.”

Ms Ruth Kung, Executive Director for Education & Development of Hong Kong Securities & Investment Institute

(Hong Kong) - 5th November 2014

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